Pequeñas buhardillas alojan, en barrios viejos, a jovenes bohemios que refugiados en estrechos escondites exprimen su talento. Como si de una religión se tratara, honran a eruditos consagrados en estantes, que se convierten en pedestales inalcanzables. A la par quedan la idolatría a los autores y el tormento del eterno principiante.
Lavapiés (Madrid, España).
Perteneciente a la coleccion “Frecuencias”.Small dormers are home to young bohemians in old neighborhoods. They are refugees in small caches and exploit his talent. As if it were a religion, they honor scholars who lie on shelves, pedestals that become unreachable. The idolatry to the authors and the torment of eternal beginner coexist in parallel.
Lavapiés (Madrid, Spain).
Belonging to «Frequencies» collection”.Small dormers are home to young bohemians in old neighborhoods. They are refugees in small caches and exploit his talent. As if it were a religion, they honor scholars who lie on shelves, pedestals that become unreachable. The idolatry to the authors and the torment of eternal beginner coexist in parallel.
Lavapiés (Madrid, Spain).
Belonging to «Frequencies» collection”.